Invited Assistant Lecturer at the University of Lisbon School of Law since 2011 and also at the Catholic School of Business and Economics in 2015. Of Counsel at PLMJ focused on the Capital Markets, Corporate/M&A and Private Equity areas of practice. Currently working on her PhD Dissertation concerning civil liability on the Financial Markets. Researcher at CIDP and Coordinator of the Advanced Postgraduate Course in Corporate Finance & Governance, the Advanced Postgraduate Course in Insolvency and Business Recovery Law, the Specialization Intensive Course on Investment Funds and the Intensive Course on Breach of Contract. Also coordinates several other scientific Conferences in the areas of Venture Capital, Securities and Capital Markets. Secretary of the Board at Novabase’s General Meeting. Lectures on a regular basis at Postgraduate Courses, Intensive Courses. Also lectures on scientific Conferences and has authored numerous scientific articles on Corporate Law, Civil Law, Capital Markets Law and Insolvency Law, amounting to more than 20 publications, namely the book Limites da autonomia dos credores na recuperação da empresa insolvente (Almedina) and articles such as “Direito de voto nas sociedades cotadas: da admissibilidade de categorias de ações com direito de voto plural às L-shares” and “Going dark: deliberação da assembleia geral e direito de exoneração”.