
CIDP regularly organizes conferences, seminars and workshops on current topics in Private Law.

Conferência Internacional: Acordos Parassociais

Tem lugar nos próximos dias14 e15 dejaneiro na FDUL a Conferência InternacionalEthical and legal perspectives on Shareholder's agreements and freedom of contract in company law. O evento é presencial e gratuito e as inscrições podem ser realizadas através do envio de email para


The XXXII Congress of the Hispano-Luso-American Institute of International Law (IHLADI) will take place in the first week of September at FDUL, in a joint organization with CIDP and Lisbon Public Law. The opening of the Congress on September 2 will be marked by the inauguration of the new President of IHLADI, ProfessorDário Moura Vicente, who succeeds ProfessorHugo Llanos Mansilla(Universidad Central Chile) in this position. Among the initiatives included in the event's program, which runs until September 6, are the lectures on "The creation of an international legal regime to address sea level rise", by Prof. Dr.Fernando Loureiro Bastos(LPL-FDUL); "TheUN Beijing Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Ship Sales", by Prof. Dr.Jazmina Rovi Sánchez(Panama); "Genocide in armed conflicts and protection under International Law", by Prof. Dr.Paulo Borba Casella(USP-Brazil), and "Clean hands in investment arbitration", by Prof. Dr.Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo(University of Granada-España). The Organizing Committee of the Congress iscomposed of Professors Dário Moura Vicente, Fernando Loureiro Bastos and Patrícia Galvão Teles,while the Honour Committee includes the Rector of the University of Lisbon, Prof. Dr. Luís Anjos Ferreira; the President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Prof. Dr. António Feijó, and the President of the Champalimaud Foundation, Dra. Leonor Beleza. The event has the High Patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic.

Blockchain Summit 2024

Decorre entre os dias 16 e 18 de julho a Blockchain Summit 2024, uma iniciativa conjunta da Universidade de Marburgo, da Universidade Bocconi e do projeto de investigaçãoLisbon DAO Observatory do CIDP, coordenado pela Professora DoutoraMadalena Perestrelo de Oliveira e pelo Dr. António Garcia Rolo. O evento tem lugar na FDUL nos dias 16 e 17, e na PLMJ, em Lisboa, no dia 18. Esta é uma iniciativa realizada ao abrigo de financiamento europeu.

Homage to Prof. Dr. Pedro Romano Martinez

Taking place over two days, on the 19 and 26 of June, the Conference dedicated to the "Labour Code: A balance of two decades" will alsopay homage to Professor Pedro Romano Martinez, who passed away in October 2023. Organised by the Institute of Labour Law (IDT), in partnership with the Lisbon School of Law of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, the Conference will be hosted bythe Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon on June 19 and a week later, on June 26, by the Catholic University. Among the invited speakers are CIDP researchers Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho, António Menezes Cordeiro, Luís Gonçalves da Silva, Pedro Madeira de Brito, Guilherme Dray,Luís Menezes Leitão and Cláudia Madaleno. Entry to the event is free, but requires prior registration. For more information, see theIDT page.

I Congress on Collective and Structural Actions

Registration is now open for theI Congress on Collective and Structural Actions, which will bring together national and international experts, including academics and judges. In addition to other topics, the recent transposition of Directive (EU) 2020/1828 into the Portuguese legal system (Decree-Law No. 114-A/2023, of December 5) will be the subject of reflection. Organized by CIDP, the event takes placeat FDUL (Auditorium) on 15 and 16 of May. Registration is mandatory and must be completed on the GerEventos platform. The registration fee is €75 for the general public and €40 for FDUL and/or CIDP students.

International Meeting on European Criminal Procedure

Co-organised by CIDP and the University of Valladolid as part of a European research project, the International Meeting on European Criminal Procedure will take place on May 2at FDUL, in the Audience Room. Among the topics to be debated are new proposals for European Union directives, issues related to the regulation of artificial intelligence and procedural guarantees in European Union Law. The scientific coordination of the event includes CIDP researchersPaulo de Sousa Mendes and Rui Soares Pereira, together withCoral Arangüena andMontserrat de Hoyos from the University of Valladolid. Registration to participate in the meeting is free and can be done by sending an email to

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren: "The EU Data Act"

At the invitation of CIDP, Professor Thomas Hoeren (University of Münster) willbe at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon on March 19th to give a conference entitled "The EU Data Act - general questions and basic problems from the perspective of an information lawyer". The conference will take place in Amphitheater 10, at 6:30 pm, aimed in particular at Masters and PhD students in Intellectual Law, but will be open to all interested parties. With a career dedicated in particular to research in the area of Information Law and Intellectual Property, Professor Thomas Hoeren has been, since 1997, Professor of Information Law, Media and Business Law and Director of the Institute of Information Law, Telecommunications and Media (ITM) at the University of Münster. He also worked as a legal advisor for the European Commission, was a judge in Düsseldorf, an associate researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute andProfessor of Information and IT Law at the Universities of Zurich and Vienna. The Speaker's presentation will becarried out by Prof. Dr. Dário Moura Vicente, President of CIDP.

European Civil Procedure Lecture Series

CIDP is hosting on the 7th of March the third lecture of theEuropean Civil Procedure Lecture Series, titledTheEvolution of Civil Procedure in Europe -A New Concept of Procedural Autonomy? Among the participants in the event are CIDP researchersPaula Costa e Silva,Isabel AlexandreandJoão Marques Martins. Also attending are researchers from several European countries, including Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. The event will be broadcast online via zoomand no registration is required. For those interested, you can watchhere.

Conference: Corporate Environmental Responsibility

Join the Conversation at the "Corporate Environmental Responsibility" Conference. Discover the forefront of environmental responsibility discussions at our upcoming conference on December 5th. Engage in a dynamic cross-cutting dialogue between distinguished speakers and the public, delving into crucial topics like international corporate environmental liability, due diligence obligations, climate litigation, corporate governance, reporting requirements, financial law, and sustainable finance. Our expert panels feature professionals from diverse backgrounds in both public and private (international) law, offering unique experiences and perspectives. Whether you are in Lisbon or connecting online, mark your calendar for a day of insightful discussions shaping the future of corporate environmental responsibility. Do not miss out—be part of this influential event as we explore, discuss, and redefine corporate responsibility on a global scale.

II Jornadas de ESG - Environmental, Social & Governance

No mundo dos dias de hoje, não é possível a uma empresa alhear-se da sociedade e do ambiente que a rodeia. Esta afirmação é trivial a ponto de não carecer de ênfase e, no entanto, são mais ou menos conhecidos exemplos em que a relação entre o mundo empresarial e as dimensões sociais e ambientais de uma empresa se apresenta como menos salutar. O Direito tem surgido a regular este tipo de situações de primas vários, também, com especial intensidade, nos últimos anos, da perspectiva das empresas: são elas o alvo de medidas consciencializadoras da relação que deve existir e da atenção que as empresas devem ter perante aspectos sociais e ambientais. A maioria das iniciativas, neste particular, provém sobretudo da União Europeia, com importantes actos normativos a serem publicados e anunciados nos últimos anos: o Regulamento de Divulgação de Finanças Sustentáveis (Regulamento (UE) n.º 2019/2088, de 27 de Novembro), o Regulamento da Taxonomia (Regulamento (UE) n.º 2020/852, de 18 de Junho), a Directriz de Relato de Sustentabilidade das Empresas (Directiva (UE) n.º 2022/2464, de 14 de Dezembro), a Proposta de Directriz do Dever de Diligência das Empresas em matéria de Sustentabilidade, a Proposta de Regulamento Delegado respeitante às Normas de Relato de Sustentabilidade e demais regulamentação associada ao Plano de Acção de Finanças Sustentáveis e ao Pacto Ecológico Europeu. As presentes Jornadas pretendem promover o debate em torno do ESG, o modo como as estruturas dogmáticas do Direito Privado o vão receber, e a sua divulgação junto dos profissionais jurídicos.

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Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
Alameda da Universidade, Cidade Universitária
1649-014 Lisboa. Portugal

(+351) 915 429 341

(Call to national mobile network)

Weekdays, from 10am to 12:30pm and from 2:30pm to 5pm

Personal assistance

Segunda a sexta-feira, entre as 14h e as 17h.
Sala 13.15 (Piso 3 - acesso pelo ascensor junto ao Anfiteatro 1)
Walter Rodrigues / Fernanda Franco / Gisele Barbosa de Jesus / Marina Alexandre

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