Research Centre for Private Law

Research, development, production and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of Private Law.

A Research Unit of the Institute of Private Law (IDP)

Founded in 2014, CIDP is an autonomous R&D Unit dedicated to the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of Private Law.


Its activity is predominantly developed along two fundamental axes: the individual and collective research carried out by its members, and the organization of courses, seminars, conferences and workshops on current themes in Private Law.

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Research Lines

CIDP has decided to structure its activities for the period 2024-2028 according to five research lines, which will act as the basis for research projects to be developed, involving teams of researchers from all areas working collaboratively in an articulated manner.

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Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Private Law

The advent of the Digital Era has changed social, economic and legal structures. The world we now live requires the Law to pay special attention to new issues, not previously encountered. The social relevance of personal data raises questions in the field of personality law, automation and artificial intelligence require the workings of civil liability to be reconsidered and the wide use of e-commerce demands study of online consumer rights. The new reality extends into finance, with a direct impact on investor rights and business funding models.


In addition, automation and artificial intelligence are both tools and challenges in courts. On the one hand, they promise to speed up and facilitate procedural acts, relieving judges, bailiffs and lawyers of repetitive and time-consuming tasks. But at the same time, insofar as they provide autonomous means of decision-making, they raise fundamental questions about the future meaning and nature of adjudication.


Finally, generative artificial intelligence raises relevant challenges in intellectual property law, namely as regards the protection of copyright and even the identity or nature of the author.


These trends and demands are not new. They were the subject of the last research line called Private Law in the Digital Era (PLDE). The current research line arises in the continuation of the work carried out at PLDE, integrating and focusing on the latest technological developments.

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New Perspectives of Corporate Governance

The last few years have been marked by profound reforms in Commercial Company and Capital Market Law, especially at the level of European normative instruments.


Following on from the work conducted within the previous line of research called Modernization of Corporate Law, the current line New Perspectives of Corporate Governance will focus its attention on three topics: (i) the impact of technology on company law; (ii) the reformulation of corporate law structures as a result of the new centrality of stakeholder interests; (iii) the impact of ex contractu governance on the company and the limits of of private autonomy in shareholder agreements.

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Diversity, Harmonization and Unification of Private Law

The study of Comparative Law studies, including its methodological foundations, is a central theme of CIDP's research activity. The diversity of modern Private Law coexists with a growing effort towards its harmonization and unification, which transcends the European space and is instrumental to the free flow of people, goods, services and capital across borders in a globalised economy.


This research line pays special attention to international instruments, particularly the CISG (which came into force in Portugal at the end of 2021), the UNIDROIT Principles on International Commercial Contracts, the Principles of European Contract Law and other relevant normative acts from the European Parliament and from the Council, which aim to approximate national legal systems in the field of Private Law.


The processes of harmonisation and unification of Private International Law – taken here as the discipline that regulates the international jurisdiction of courts, the determination of the law applicable to cross-border relationships, international judicial cooperation and the recognition of foreign judgments – are also a subject matter of this research line. In Europe and worldwide, Private International Law has known an intense movement towards its harmonisation over the past decades, which has been carried out in particular through European regulations and international conventions, such as the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, in force since 2023.


This research line seeks to study these processes in depth, and in particular their impact over the Portuguese legal system, where rules of Private International Law from domestic, European and international sources coexist, which are not always easy to combine.


In the context of this research line, particular attention will also be devoted to the legal systems of other Portuguese-speaking countries, which maintain a fundamental unity with Portuguese law. To this end, a permanent Lusophone Law Observatory will be set up, and the results of its work will be published internationally.

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Foundations of Private Law

This line of research is devoted to the study of the historical, dogmatic and axiological foundations of Private Law, always seeking a deeper understanding of legal systems and their evolution.


The research projects to be developed cover the core areas of common and commercial Private Law, as well as its immediate foundations and instruments (Philosophy of Law and Methodology). It also involves studying the models of adjudication (specially linked with new morphologies of conflicts) including alternative dispute resolution (ADR).


This research line also includes the critical analysis of judicial activity (including its social and economic impact), as well as the survey and systematization of empirical data on that activity.

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New Perspectives on Regulation, Compliance and Private Enforcement

The emergence of independent authorities has subverted the classic separation of powers model, which is why they have been endowed with three types of traditionally separate public powers: normative, executive and (para)judicial. Modern independent authorities issue regulations of a general and abstract nature, monitor and inspect the activity of businesses and, finally, impose financial penalties (fines) and ancillary sanctions if they detect offences. In this regard, it is difficult to sustain the classic opposition between administrative law and criminal law, especially since the European Court of Human Rights has consistently held that administrative offences and other typically administrative offences should be considered criminal offences for the purpose of applying Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which enshrines the right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence. The social context of regulatory law requires a paradigm shift in the application of law and interaction with economic agents. Experience generally points to the advantages of an approach based on the principles of responsive regulation and regulated self-regulation. The balance between the two, however, requires a delicate balance between the requirements of effective regulation and the advantages of collaboration with businesses in the performance of this public law mission. In fact, the risks of this combination are immense and can only be minimised by establishing mechanisms to guarantee the independence and accountability of regulators and to prevent them from being captured by a wide range of interests, from party interests to business interests, which also involves transparency in the revolving doors between the exercise of regulatory functions, government functions and management functions of public, mixed or private companies. A virtuous articulation of responsive regulation with regulated self-regulation cannot ignore another pillar, which is the private enforcement of the law through actions for damages and collective redress brought by consumer representatives and others interested in promoting competition. Damages actions and collective redress often act as natural allies of more effective economic regulation and more efficient self-regulation, reinforcing the attitude of compliance on the part of companies by encouraging the prevention of legal risks that may arise from non-compliance. Any reflection on the intersecting themes of regulation, regulatory compliance and actions for damages and collective protection must value the experience of law in action, calling on the critical mass that accompanies matters of economic regulation and competition defence, adding national experience to the experience of other European countries and the European Union itself, but also to that of other reference legal systems, especially Anglo-Saxon ones, whose practice is inspiring for the European context. This line of research also includes the research project that has been developed in the field of judicial evidence, considering that evidential problems take on new dimensions in the context of the passage of information between regulators, intelligence agencies, criminal police agencies and criminal investigation holders, at the domestic level, but also at the cross-border level and not only in the European context. The research project encompasses the most general aspects of the theory of evidence and the dogmatic aspects of judicial evidence in the various regulated areas of economic activity, thus aiming to contribute to the development of an area of legal thought and practice that suffers from a lack of attention in civil law legal systems, compared to common law countries. It is a research project that involves ongoing articulations and partnerships with foreign research centres, which have already produced results in terms of national and foreign publications and scientific meetings in Portugal and abroad.

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Meet the researchers

CIDP’s team of researchers currently comprises 56 Integrated Researchers who hold a PhD, 59 Integrated Researchers who do not hold a PhD and 5 Collaborating Researchers.
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Ana Perestrelo de Oliveira

Graduated(2005) and PhD (2011)in Law, she is an Associate Professor in the Legal Sciences group at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, where she has taught the subjects of Commercial Law, Company Law, Securities Law and General Theory of Civil Law, in undergraduate and master’s courses. Lawyer and legal consultant, partner at Eduardo Paz Ferreira & Associados. Researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law. Member of the editorial board of the Revista de Direito das Sociedades, of the executive committee of the Annotated Commercial Companies Code and of the coordinating committee of the editorial board of the Revista Concorrência & Regulação. Member of the Management Committee of the Resolution Fund — Banco de Portugal. Member of the list of arbitrators of the Commercial Arbitration Centre of the Lisbon Commercial Association and the Commercial Arbitration Institute of the Porto Commercial Association. Member of several working groups responsible for preparing legislative projects in the areas of economic, corporate and financial law, in Portugal, Guinea, Cape Verde and Angola. Author of several articles and monographs and speaker at conferences and postgraduate courses, especially in the areas of commercial, corporate and securities law, economic law and arbitration.

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João Espírito Santo

Bachelor (1989), Master (1998) and Doctor (2012) in Law. He is an Assistant Professor in the Legal Sciences group at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. He served as Technical Assistant and Scientific Coordinator at the Faculty of Law of Bissau. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Competition Authority (2008-2013) and co-director of Revista Concorrência & Regulação (2010-2013). He taught the subjects Introduction to the Study of Law, Family and Succession Law, Civil Procedural Law I, Succession Law, Commercial Company Law I, Commercial Law IV, Commercial and Company Law, Commercial Law I and Commercial Law II. He is the author of several monographs and scientific articles on Family Law, Obligations Law, Civil Procedural Law, Competition Law, Lusophone Commercial Law and Anglo-Saxon Corporate Law, as well as studies on Classical and Medieval History. He is a Jurisconsult and Lawyer, registered with the Bar since 1990. He is a member of CIDP and the IPPC. Degree in History (2020).

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Francisco Rodrigues Rocha

Holds a Degree in Law (2010), a Master's Degree in Law (2014; Insurance Law) and a PhDin Law (2021; Roman Law). He is an Invited GuestLecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.He is a researcher at CIDP – Research Centre for Private Law and IVRIS – Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, and is part of RIIDJ – International Network of Researchers in Law and Justice.He is a Lawyer (2014), Member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Section of AIDA (2018), Vice-President of IDC – Association for the Study of Consumer Law (2014), Member of the Editorial Committee of theRevista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (2020), Member of the Editorial Committee ofInterpretatio Prudentium – Direito romano e tradição romanista em revista (2016) and Deputy Director of theRevista de Direito Financeiro e dos Mercados de Capitais (2021).His areas of research are Roman Law and Romanistic Tradition, History of Law, Maritime and Port Law, Insurance Law, Banking Law, Transport Law, Commercial and Company Law, Data Protection Law and Consumer Law.

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João de Oliveira Geraldes

Bachelor of Law and Master ´s degree in Legal Sciences at the University of Lisbon. Assistant professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, with teaching experience in private law. Professor in different graduate courses, postgraduate courses and Master's degrees. Published the book "Tipicidade contratual e condicionalidade suspensiva: contributo para o estudo da exterioridade condicional" and several articles in national and international legal journals. Lawyer and legal consultant. Legal advisor to the Minister of Defence (1999) and to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (2000–2001) and Vice-Chairman of the Portuguese Committee for the review of the Concordat signed with the Vatican (2000–2001); legal advisor to the President of the Parliament (2005–2007).

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Paula Costa e Silva

Graduate, Master, Doctor with Aggregation in Law at the University of Lisbon School of Law, with a specialisation in Legal Sciences, Paula Costa e Silva is Full Professor of the University of Lisbon School of Law. She is also a Member of the Editorial Board of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation;Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Commercial Arbitration Center of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry; President of the Institute of Brazilian Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon; Chairman of the Board of the Portuguese Securities Institute; Referee (HKIAC, SCIA, CAM-CCBC) andJurisconsult and Lawyer registered with the Portuguese and Brazilian Bar Association.

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Rui Soares Pereira

Graduated (2001), Master (2006) and Doctor (2015), he is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and Guest Assistant Professor at the Military Academy. He has taught Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Administrative Offenses Law at these institutions, along with other subjects, such as Obligations Law, Civil Procedural Law, Arbitration Law, Commercial Law and Family Law. He conducts research, gives conferences and has written on topics of Private Law, Criminal Law, Procedural Law, Evidence Law and also on topics related to Regulation Law and the use of new technologies and autonomous systems.Author, among others, of the following publications:Direito Sancionatório dos Valores Mobiliários,co-authored with Joana Costa Lopes; Prova, Verdade e Processo, Processo Penal,co-authored with João Gouveia de Caires; Direito das Contra-Ordenações,co-authored with Augusto Silva Dias; Sobre os Pareceres do Conselho Consultivo da PGR,co-authored with Inês Sítima Craveiro; Sobre a Validade de Procedimentos Administrativos Prévios ao Inquérito e de Fases Administrativas - Preliminares no Processo Penal, co-authored withAugusto Silva Dias; O Nexo de Causalidade na Responsabilidade Delitual: Fundamento e Limites do Juízo de Condicionalidade, Pressupostos Filosóficos e Científicos do Nexo de Causalidade, Memória e Presente de Direito da Família, co-authored withMargarida Silva Pereira,and A Responsabilidade por danos não patrimoniais do incumprimento das obrigações no direito civil português.He has participated in the coordination of collective worksin the field ofProbation Law (Prova Penal Teórica e Práticaand Novos Desafios da Prova Penal, 2 volumes),Regulation Law (Law Enforcement, Compliance e Responsabilidade Empresarial, which includes several volumes)andthe relationship between Law and Autonomous Systems (Legal Aspects of Autonomous Systems: A Comparative Approach). Jurisconsult, legal expert, arbitrator and lawyer. He was a lawyer and consultant at the PLMJ Law Firm, deputy to the Minister of the Presidency and Parliamentary Affairs and to the Secretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in the XIX Constitutional Government, and a Fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology. He is an associate of the IDPCC anda researcher at the CIDPCC, member of the EditorialBoard and Peer Reviewer of the journalAnatomia do Crime, editor in the area of Evidence Law for the Revista de Concorrência e Regulação and Peer Reviewer of the Revista da FDUL. Member of the ATFD and the Portuguese Philosophy Society, the Portuguese Arbitration Association, member of the Portuguese-German Association of Jurists and member of the Association of Catholic Jurists.

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David Oliveira Festas

Graduated in Law (2001), Master of Law (2006) and Doctor (Ph.D.) in Law (2017), David Oliveira Festas is a lawyer and Professor at the Faculty of Law - University of Lisbon, where he has been teaching Civil, Commercial, Company and Capital Markets Law in graduate and postgraduate courses. David is a regular speaker at conferences and postgraduate seminars and is the author of several articles and books, including Do Conteúdo Patrimonial do Direito à Imagem / Contributo para um Estudo do seu Aproveitamento Consentido e Inter Vivos (2006) and Das Inibições de Voto dos Sócios por Conflito de Interesses Com a Sociedade nas Sociedades Anónimas e por Quotas. David is a Partner at Campos Ferreira, Sá Carneiro & Associados.

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Adelaide Menezes Leitão

Law Degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, in 1993; Master in Law, on November 12, 1998; Doctor in Legal Sciences on July 22, 2008, and Aggregated since January 2022. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon since 2017.Has taught the subjectsGeneral Theory of Civil Law, Commercial Law, Labour Law, Commercial Company Law, Insolvency Law. Legal consultant for written opinions and Arbitrator in several arbitrations. Has published several articles and monographs in the areas of Civil Law, Civil Liability Law, Industrial Law, Copyright Law, Unfair Competition, Commercial Company Law, Consumer Law, Insolvency Law. Was Vice-President of the Consumer Law Institute at the Faculty of Law. Has lectured at national and international conferences in the areas of Industrial Law, Consumer Law, Information Society Law, Insurance Law, Commercial Company Law and Insolvency Law. Since July 2022, she has served as President of the Legal Consultancy Office of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

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Dário Moura Vicente

Dário Moura Vicente was born in Lisbon in 1962. He holds a PhD and Aggregation in Law from the University of Lisbon, of which he is a Full Professor. He has taught, among other subjects, General Theory of Civil Law, Law of Obligations, Comparative Law, Private International Law, International Commercial Law, Copyright and Industrial Property Law. He was Vice-President of the Directive Council of the Faculty of Law, President of the Institute for Legal Cooperation and President of its Scientific Council. He is, since 2023, President of the Private Law Research Centre. A lawyer in Lisbon since 1987, he has served as an arbitrator, lawyer, and expert in numerous arbitration proceedings. He is the President of the Portuguese Intellectual Property Law Society, an Associate Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law and a Member of the Hispano-Luso-American Institute of International Law. Vice-President of the Deutsch-Lusitanische Juristenvereinigung. President of the General Assembly and member of the Scientific Council of the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL). Main scientific publications: Da arbitragem comercial internacional: Direito aplicável ao mérito da causa (1990); Da responsabilidade pré-contratual em Direito Internacional Privado (2001); Direito Internacional Privado: Ensaios (4 vols., 2002-2018); La propriété intellectuelle en droit international privé (2009); A tutela internacional da propriedade intelectual (2nd ed., 2019); Direito Comparado (vol. I, 5th ed., 2021; vol. II, 2017); Comparative Law of Obligations (2021).

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Margarida Silva Pereira

Attended the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon where she graduated (1980) and finished her Master's degree (1986)and her PhD (2007). She has been teaching at the same Faculty since 1981, being at present Assistant Professor. During the years 1984, 1986 and 1999 sheconducted academic research for several periods at the Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht in Freiburg im Breisgau. She also visited Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freibgurg im Breisgau in the same period and in 2016 and 2017. She collaborated in an international Project at the Max-Planck Institut für internationales und ausländisches Strafrecht and received in 2017 an invitation to collaborate in a project in Brazil. She was a researcher at the Private Law Centerof the Lusíada University Law and is now a researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP),at the Law Faculty of Lisbon. From 1989 until the present, she has held several conferences in postgraduate courses, seminars, specialization courses and training courses in the areas of Penal and Civil law in Portugal, Spain, Germany and Mozambique. In 2018 she co-organized a postgraduate course in the area of Children, Family and Succession Law. She has published several books and articles in Penal and Family Law.

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Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho

Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, coordinating and governing the subjects of Labour Law and General Theory of Civil Law, in the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Degrees. President of APODIT – Portuguese Association of Labour Law, since 2013, having been re-elected in 2017 and again in 2018. Member of the Executive Committee of ISLSSL – International Society of Labour Law and Social Security, since 2014.Portuguese member of the Committee of Jurists of the European Commission on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination, since 1994. Legal consultant in the areas of Labour Law, Civil Law, Social Security Law, Public Service Law and Equality Law. Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon and the General Council of the University of Lisbon. Vice-President of the Institute of Labour Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. Coordinator of the publication Estudos APODIT. Arbitrator President of CES – Economic and Social Council. Scientific coordinator of several international projects, in the areas of Labour Law and Equality Law, and, in this context, consultant for the European Commission, the European Parliament and the International Labour Organization. Scientific coordinator of several projects to prepare normative acts in the areas of Labour Law, Public Service Law and Equality. Author of several monographs and dozens of articles, included in collective works and periodical publications, national and foreign, in the areas of Labour Law, Social Security Law, Civil Law and Equality Law. Guest professor at other Universities, in Portugal (Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Universidade Lusíada, Universidade Católica Portuguesa), in Angola (Universidade Lusíada de Angola), in Brazil (Universidade Presbiteriana de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo-USP, and Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo) and in Spain (University of Seville and Complutense University of Madrid), the Netherlands (University of The Hague) and the Czech Republic (Charles University of Prague). Guest speaker at numerous scientific initiatives, in Portugal and abroad, namely in Germany (Trier), in France (Paris), in Belgium (Brussels), in Hungary (Budapest), in the Czech Republic (Prague), in Brazil (S. Paulo and Campinas), in the Netherlands (The Hague) and in Spain (Madrid, Valencia and Seville), and also in the European Parliament, the European Commission and the ILO.

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Catarina Matos Salgado

Graduate in Law (1999), Master (2007) and Ph.D (2016) in Law, she is Assistant Professor of the Legal Sciences group of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. She has held several cooperation functions under Protocols between the FDUL and several Mozambican institutions (2010-2017), namely those of Director of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Unizambeze (where the Law course was included) and Deputy Director for the Academic area, as well as the regency of several disciplines, both at Unizambeze and Eduardo Mondlane University, such as Special Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Labour Law, Institutional Transport Law, Air Transport Law, Methodology and Research Project, Criminal Mediation and Arbitration Practices and General Theory of Civil Law. At the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, she has taught subjects such as Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Labour Law, Introduction to Law and Land Transport Law. She is the author of publications such as "Terrorism - The Legitimacy of a Forgotten Past" (in co-authorship, 2005); "From the legal regime of domestic violence practiced against women in Mozambican criminal law" (2010) and "The community courts in Mozambique" (2016). She is a lawyer and jurisconsult.

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Diogo Costa Gonçalves

Graduated (2003), Master (2008) and Doctor (2014)at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, where he has been teaching since 2004, currently as Assistant Professor. He was a member of the executive committee of the Annotated Commercial Companies Code (CSC Clássica) and of the editorial board of theRevista de Direito das Sociedades(RDS).In 2010, 2012 and 2013, he carried out several periods of research at the Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg. During the same period, he also visited the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. He is a member of the association Friends of the Hamburg Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, the Luso-German Association of Jurists (Deutsch-Lusitanische Juristenvereinigung), the Portuguese Arbitration Association and the Governance Lab, a group for legal research and critical reflection on topics related to the governance of organizations. Hetakes partin the Permanent Seminar of Young Scientists at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences and is a member of the Scientific Society of the Portuguese Catholic University. He is also a member of the board of the Institute for Private Law – IDP and a researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP).In 2008, he took part in the commissionresponsible for the preparation of the Guinea-Bissau Commercial Companies Code Project, as well as the diplomas adapting Guinean domestic law to OHADA. In 2013, he collaborated in the drafting of several legislative projects relating to the capital market, upon request by the Angolan Capital Market Commission. In 2015, he also collaborated in the preparation of a Draft Commercial Companies Code for Cape Verde. He is a jurisconsult and arbitrator.

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Catarina Monteiro Pires

PhD in Law (2016), Master in Law (2008) and Degree in Law (2001). Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon,where she has been teaching General Theory of Civil Law, Commercial Law, Obligations Law, Contract Law, International Commercial Law, among other subjects. She is a researcher and member of the Research Centre for Private Law,where she coordinates several initiatives. Author of several studies in the areas of Obligations Law, Commercial Law and Banking Law,she published, among other works, the monographs Aquisição de Empresas e de Participações Acionistas – Problemas e Litígios(2018),Impossibilidade da Prestação(2017) and the studies Resolução do contrato por incumprimento no direito português, brasileiro e alemão, Revista de Direito Civil, 2017;Cláusulas contratuais gerais de limite mínimo da taxa de juro no mútuo bancário, Cadernos de Direito Privado, 2017;Euribor negativa e mútuo bancário, Revista de Direito das Sociedades, 2017;Esforços e dispêndios exigíveis ao devedor, Revista da Ordem dos Advogados, 2016;Breves notas sobre o inquérito judicial nas SA nos 30 anos do CSC, Revista de Direito das Sociedades, 2016. Other studies are available at She is also a Lawyer (Dispute Resolution), Arbitrator and Jurisconsult.

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Maria de Lurdes Pereira

PhD in Law (2013), Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (since 2013). She is a lawyer and consultant. She has taught several subjects, including Introduction to the Study of Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Obligations Law, Commercial Law and Contract Law I and II (in the Bachelor's Degree), and Commercial Law in the Master's and PhD programmes.She is the author and co-author of several publications, among which the following stand out:Os estados subjectivos na representação voluntária em especial o conhecimento ou desconhecimento juridicamente relevante(1998),Conceito de prestação e destino da contraprestação(2001),A responsabilidade civil das autoridades reguladoras e de supervisão por danos causados a agentes económicos e investidores no exercício de actividades de fiscalização ou investigação(2005, co-aut. Pedro de Albuquerque),As ‘Golden Shares’ do Estado Português em empresas privatizadas(2006, co-aut. Pedro de Albuquerque);O regime societário do Estado enquanto accionista,inA reforma do código das sociedades comerciais (2007),Sobre o conceito e extensão de sinalagma(2008, co-aut. Pedro Múrias),Prestações de coisa: transferência do risco e obrigações de reddere(2008, co-aut. Pedro Múrias),Os direitos de retenção e o sentido da excepção de não cumprimento(2009, co-aut. Pedro Múrias);Obrigação primária e obrigação de indemnizar(2011, co-aut. Pedro Múrias),Obrigações de meios, obrigações de resultado e custos da prestação(2012, co-aut. Pedro Múrias),A indemnização de despesas inutilizadas na responsabilidade obrigacional.

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Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
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