About CIDP

Organisation of the Centre

CIDP's governance structure is composed of a Board of Directors, a Scientific Council and an External Advisory Board.
Board of Directors

Dário Moura Vicente

Dário Moura Vicente was born in Lisbon in 1962. He holds a PhD and Aggregation in Law from the University of Lisbon, of which he is a Full Professor. He has taught, among other subjects, General Theory of Civil Law, Law of Obligations, Comparative Law, Private International Law, International Commercial Law, Copyright and Industrial Property Law. He was Vice-President of the Directive Council of the Faculty of Law, President of the Institute for Legal Cooperation and President of its Scientific Council. He is, since 2023, President of the Private Law Research Centre. A lawyer in Lisbon since 1987, he has served as an arbitrator, lawyer, and expert in numerous arbitration proceedings. He is the President of the Portuguese Intellectual Property Law Society, an Associate Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law and a Member of the Hispano-Luso-American Institute of International Law. Vice-President of the Deutsch-Lusitanische Juristenvereinigung. President of the General Assembly and member of the Scientific Council of the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL). Main scientific publications: Da arbitragem comercial internacional: Direito aplicável ao mérito da causa (1990); Da responsabilidade pré-contratual em Direito Internacional Privado (2001); Direito Internacional Privado: Ensaios (4 vols., 2002-2018); La propriété intellectuelle en droit international privé (2009); A tutela internacional da propriedade intelectual (2nd ed., 2019); Direito Comparado (vol. I, 5th ed., 2021; vol. II, 2017); Comparative Law of Obligations (2021).

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Ana Perestrelo de Oliveira

Graduated(2005) and PhD (2011)in Law, she is an Associate Professor in the Legal Sciences group at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, where she has taught the subjects of Commercial Law, Company Law, Securities Law and General Theory of Civil Law, in undergraduate and master’s courses. Lawyer and legal consultant, partner at Eduardo Paz Ferreira & Associados. Researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law. Member of the editorial board of the Revista de Direito das Sociedades, of the executive committee of the Annotated Commercial Companies Code and of the coordinating committee of the editorial board of the Revista Concorrência & Regulação. Member of the Management Committee of the Resolution Fund — Banco de Portugal. Member of the list of arbitrators of the Commercial Arbitration Centre of the Lisbon Commercial Association and the Commercial Arbitration Institute of the Porto Commercial Association. Member of several working groups responsible for preparing legislative projects in the areas of economic, corporate and financial law, in Portugal, Guinea, Cape Verde and Angola. Author of several articles and monographs and speaker at conferences and postgraduate courses, especially in the areas of commercial, corporate and securities law, economic law and arbitration.

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Diogo Costa Gonçalves

Graduated (2003), Master (2008) and Doctor (2014)at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, where he has been teaching since 2004, currently as Assistant Professor. He was a member of the executive committee of the Annotated Commercial Companies Code (CSC Clássica) and of the editorial board of theRevista de Direito das Sociedades(RDS).In 2010, 2012 and 2013, he carried out several periods of research at the Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg. During the same period, he also visited the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. He is a member of the association Friends of the Hamburg Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, the Luso-German Association of Jurists (Deutsch-Lusitanische Juristenvereinigung), the Portuguese Arbitration Association and the Governance Lab, a group for legal research and critical reflection on topics related to the governance of organizations. Hetakes partin the Permanent Seminar of Young Scientists at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences and is a member of the Scientific Society of the Portuguese Catholic University. He is also a member of the board of the Institute for Private Law – IDP and a researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP).In 2008, he took part in the commissionresponsible for the preparation of the Guinea-Bissau Commercial Companies Code Project, as well as the diplomas adapting Guinean domestic law to OHADA. In 2013, he collaborated in the drafting of several legislative projects relating to the capital market, upon request by the Angolan Capital Market Commission. In 2015, he also collaborated in the preparation of a Draft Commercial Companies Code for Cape Verde. He is a jurisconsult and arbitrator.

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Isabel Alexandre

Isabel Alexandre graduated in Law (1989) at the University of Lisbon, where she also obtained her Master's (1994) and PhD's (2012) degrees in Law.She was Senior Technician at CMVM – Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Portuguese Securities Market Commission), Advisor to the Office of the Governor of Macao and Advisor to the Office of Judges of the Tribunal Constitucional (Portuguese Constitutional Court).She is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and a Technical Consultant in the Legal Services Department of Banco de Portugal (Portuguese Central Bank).She is a member of the Board of Directors of the IVM – Instituto dos Valores Mobiliários.She has published several books and articles and is a speaker at conferences and courses, mainly in Civil Procedural Law.

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Rui Soares Pereira

Graduated (2001), Master (2006) and Doctor (2015), he is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and Guest Assistant Professor at the Military Academy. He has taught Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Administrative Offenses Law at these institutions, along with other subjects, such as Obligations Law, Civil Procedural Law, Arbitration Law, Commercial Law and Family Law. He conducts research, gives conferences and has written on topics of Private Law, Criminal Law, Procedural Law, Evidence Law and also on topics related to Regulation Law and the use of new technologies and autonomous systems.Author, among others, of the following publications:Direito Sancionatório dos Valores Mobiliários,co-authored with Joana Costa Lopes; Prova, Verdade e Processo, Processo Penal,co-authored with João Gouveia de Caires; Direito das Contra-Ordenações,co-authored with Augusto Silva Dias; Sobre os Pareceres do Conselho Consultivo da PGR,co-authored with Inês Sítima Craveiro; Sobre a Validade de Procedimentos Administrativos Prévios ao Inquérito e de Fases Administrativas - Preliminares no Processo Penal, co-authored withAugusto Silva Dias; O Nexo de Causalidade na Responsabilidade Delitual: Fundamento e Limites do Juízo de Condicionalidade, Pressupostos Filosóficos e Científicos do Nexo de Causalidade, Memória e Presente de Direito da Família, co-authored withMargarida Silva Pereira,and A Responsabilidade por danos não patrimoniais do incumprimento das obrigações no direito civil português.He has participated in the coordination of collective worksin the field ofProbation Law (Prova Penal Teórica e Práticaand Novos Desafios da Prova Penal, 2 volumes),Regulation Law (Law Enforcement, Compliance e Responsabilidade Empresarial, which includes several volumes)andthe relationship between Law and Autonomous Systems (Legal Aspects of Autonomous Systems: A Comparative Approach). Jurisconsult, legal expert, arbitrator and lawyer. He was a lawyer and consultant at the PLMJ Law Firm, deputy to the Minister of the Presidency and Parliamentary Affairs and to the Secretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in the XIX Constitutional Government, and a Fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology. He is an associate of the IDPCC anda researcher at the CIDPCC, member of the EditorialBoard and Peer Reviewer of the journalAnatomia do Crime, editor in the area of Evidence Law for the Revista de Concorrência e Regulação and Peer Reviewer of the Revista da FDUL. Member of the ATFD and the Portuguese Philosophy Society, the Portuguese Arbitration Association, member of the Portuguese-German Association of Jurists and member of the Association of Catholic Jurists.

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It is constituted by all the PhDs in Law integrated in the Centre as its researchers.


It is constituted by personalities of recognized scientific merit in the legal field invited by the Board of Directors.


The External Advisory Committee has the following composition in the 2023-26 term of office:

Burkhard Hess

Founding Director of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law

Curriculum Vitae

Ilaria Pretelli

Legal counsel at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law

Curriculum Vitae

Judith Martins-Costa

President of the Culturalistic Studies Institute

Curriculum Vitae

Marie-Élodie Ancel

Professor at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas

Curriculum Vitae

Otávio Rodrigues Júnior

Associate Professor at the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP)

Curriculum Vitae

Paulo Mota Pinto

Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra

Curriculum Vitae

Pedro de Miguel Asensio

Full Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)

Curriculum Vitae

Pilar Perales Viscasillas

Full Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M)

Curriculum Vitae

Stefan Grundmann

Professor at the European University Institute and at the Humboldt University of Berlin

Curriculum Vitae

The Board of Directors of the Centre decided to award Professor António Menezes Cordeiro the honorary title of President Emeritus of CIDP. The full content of the deliberation can be consulted here.


António Menezes Cordeiro

Law degree (1975), PhD (1985) with aggregation (1996) in Law, Full Professorat the Lisbon University School of Law and Dean of the Legal Sciences Group. Held several academic positions, namely as President of the Directive Council (1989-1991) and as President of the Scientific Council (1998-2001) of the Lisbon University School of Law. In the graduation course he has taught or is teaching the disciplines Theory of Law, Rights in rem, Law of Obligations, Introduction to the Study of Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Philosophy of Law, Law of Economics, Labour Law, Banking Law and Commercial Law. Author of more than three hundred publications. Among these works stand out Da boa fé (1984, seven reprints), Tratado de Direito Civil (11 volumes), Direito do trabalho, Direito Bancário, Direito Comercial, Direito das Sociedades, Direito dos Seguros and Tratado da Arbitragem. Director of Revista de Direito das Sociedades and of Revista de Direito Civil, Deputy Director of Revista O Direito and member of theEditorial Board of Revista da Ordem dos Advogados, of which he was Deputy Director from 1990 to 2010. Legal consultant, national and international arbitrator and lawyer, being a founding member of the law firm António Menezes Cordeiro & Associados. President of CIDP and IDP (2014-2023). Effective partner of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences (Academia das Ciências de Lisboa). President of the Arbitration Centreof the Portuguese Chamber ofCommerceand Industry (since 2016).

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Sónia Pereira

Degree in Communication Sciences (FCSH-UNL, 1997), Master's Degree in Culture Studies (UCP, 2010), PhD candidate in Culture Studies at FLUL. She was a journalist and editor; taught English and Portuguese; was a science manager at the Portuguese Catholic University. Conducts research in the field of Cultural Studies and Popular Music Studies.

Presentation of the CIDP

The Private Law Research Centre, founded in 2014 and chaired until 2023 by Professor António Menezes Cordeiro, is a private research...
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Collaboration & Partnerships

CIDP has established partnerships with Portuguese and foreign institutions, thus fostering synergies for the development of its projects.
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Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
Alameda da Universidade, Cidade Universitária
1649-014 Lisboa. Portugal

(+351) 915 429 341

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Weekdays, from 10am to 12:30pm and from 2:30pm to 5pm



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Segunda a sexta-feira, entre as 14h e as 17h.
Sala 13.15 (Piso 3 - acesso pelo ascensor junto ao Anfiteatro 1)
Walter Rodrigues / Fernanda Franco / Gisele Barbosa de Jesus / Marina Alexandre

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