Graduated (2010) and Master's (2013) in Law, Postgraduate in Copyright and Information Society Law (2014) and Arbitration Law (2016), He is Guest Lecturer at the University of Lisbon Law School. He is also researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP) and exercises the functionsof Representative of lecturers and non-Ph.d researchers at the Scientific Board of the University of Lisbon Law School. He teaches or has taught Labour Law I and II, Civil Procedure Law III and Rights in rem. He teaches or has taught in several Postgraduate courses, such as Postgraduate Course in Specialization in Labour Law and Social Security, in the Advanced Postgraduate Course in Commercial Litigation and in the Post-Graduate Course in E-Commerce. Author of several academic works in Portugal, Germany, Brazil and Spain,including the monograph As Licenças Compulsórias de Direitos de Propriedade Industrial (Compulsory Licenses of Industrial Property Rights) which was awarded as the winner of the I Award “Professor Doutor José de Oliveira Ascensão”, promoted by the Portuguese Intellectual Property Association (APDI). He is Legal Director and Trademark and Patent Attorney at the Intellectual Property Consultant Inventa International and Arbitrator at the Arbitration Center Arbitrare. He is part of the AIPPI (Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle) Trade Secrets Committee and INTA (International Trademark Association) Trade Marks Enforcement Committee.
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