
Madalena Perestrelo de Oliveira

Madalena Perestrelo de Oliveira

Invited Assistant Lecturer at the University of Lisbon School of Law since 2011 and also at the Catholic School of Business and Economics in 2015. Of Counsel at PLMJ focused on the Capital Markets, Corporate/M&A and Private Equity areas of practice. Currently working on her PhD Dissertation concerning civil liability on the Financial Markets. Researcher at CIDP and Coordinator of the Advanced Postgraduate Course in Corporate Finance & Governance, the Advanced Postgraduate Course in Insolvency and Business Recovery Law, the Specialization Intensive Course on Investment Funds and the Intensive Course on Breach of Contract. Also coordinates several other scientific Conferences in the areas of Venture Capital, Securities and Capital Markets. Secretary of the Board at Novabase’s General Meeting. Lectures on a regular basis at Postgraduate Courses, Intensive Courses.Also lectures on scientific Conferences and has authored numerous scientific articles on Corporate Law, Civil Law, Capital Markets Law and Insolvency Law, amounting to more than 20 publications, namely the bookLimites da autonomia dos credores na recuperação da empresa insolvente(Almedina) and articles such as “Direito de voto nas sociedades cotadas: da admissibilidade de categorias de ações com direito de voto plural às L-shares” and “Going dark: deliberação da assembleia geral e direito de exoneração”.

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Manuel Januário da Costa Gomes

Manuel Januário da Costa Gomes

Graduated (1977) from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Master in Law (1987) from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Doctor of Law (2000) from the University of Lisbon (2000), Aggregate (2012) in Law and Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2013). Over the years, he has held various academic roles at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, as a member of the Board of Directors, the Scientific Council, the School Council, the Institute of Legal Cooperation, the Erasmus Office, and (since 2016) he is a member of the Scientific Council and Coordinating Professor of Postgraduate Studies. Founder and Coordinator of the Center for Maritime and Transport Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. Coordinator of the Lisbon Maritime Law Conferences. Founder and Coordinator of the Maritime and Transport Law Collection, edited by Almedina. He promoted the creation of the African Law Studies Collection (Institute of Legal Cooperation and Livraria Almedina). Member of the Scientific Committee of the magazine “Anuario de Derecho Maritmo”. Member of the Ibero-American Institute of Maritime Law. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Maritime and Port Law, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. Member of the Review Committee of the “Corporate Law Magazine”. Subjects taught: a) Degree in Law: Commercial Law (General and Corporate) and Maritime Law; b) Masters and Doctorate: Commercial Law, Maritime Law and Banking Law. He is a jurisconsult. Author of several publications (lessons, monographs and articles published in magazines and collective works in Portugal and abroad).

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Margarida Silva Pereira

Margarida Silva Pereira

Attended the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon where she graduated (1980) and finished her Master's degree (1986)and her PhD (2007). She has been teaching at the same Faculty since 1981, being at present Assistant Professor. During the years 1984, 1986 and 1999 sheconducted academic research for several periods at the Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht in Freiburg im Breisgau. She also visited Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freibgurg im Breisgau in the same period and in 2016 and 2017. She collaborated in an international Project at the Max-Planck Institut für internationales und ausländisches Strafrecht and received in 2017 an invitation to collaborate in a project in Brazil. She was a researcher at the Private Law Centerof the Lusíada University Law and is now a researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP),at the Law Faculty of Lisbon. From 1989 until the present, she has held several conferences in postgraduate courses, seminars, specialization courses and training courses in the areas of Penal and Civil law in Portugal, Spain, Germany and Mozambique. In 2018 she co-organized a postgraduate course in the area of Children, Family and Succession Law. She has published several books and articles in Penal and Family Law.

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Maria de Lurdes Pereira

Maria de Lurdes Pereira

PhD in Law (2013), Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (since 2013). She is a lawyer and consultant. She has taught several subjects, including Introduction to the Study of Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Obligations Law, Commercial Law and Contract Law I and II (in the Bachelor's Degree), and Commercial Law in the Master's and PhD programmes.She is the author and co-author of several publications, among which the following stand out:Os estados subjectivos na representação voluntária em especial o conhecimento ou desconhecimento juridicamente relevante(1998),Conceito de prestação e destino da contraprestação(2001),A responsabilidade civil das autoridades reguladoras e de supervisão por danos causados a agentes económicos e investidores no exercício de actividades de fiscalização ou investigação(2005, co-aut. Pedro de Albuquerque),As ‘Golden Shares’ do Estado Português em empresas privatizadas(2006, co-aut. Pedro de Albuquerque);O regime societário do Estado enquanto accionista,inA reforma do código das sociedades comerciais (2007),Sobre o conceito e extensão de sinalagma(2008, co-aut. Pedro Múrias),Prestações de coisa: transferência do risco e obrigações de reddere(2008, co-aut. Pedro Múrias),Os direitos de retenção e o sentido da excepção de não cumprimento(2009, co-aut. Pedro Múrias);Obrigação primária e obrigação de indemnizar(2011, co-aut. Pedro Múrias),Obrigações de meios, obrigações de resultado e custos da prestação(2012, co-aut. Pedro Múrias),A indemnização de despesas inutilizadas na responsabilidade obrigacional.

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Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho

Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho

Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, coordinating and governing the subjects of Labour Law and General Theory of Civil Law, in the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Degrees. President of APODIT – Portuguese Association of Labour Law, since 2013, having been re-elected in 2017 and again in 2018. Member of the Executive Committee of ISLSSL – International Society of Labour Law and Social Security, since 2014.Portuguese member of the Committee of Jurists of the European Commission on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination, since 1994. Legal consultant in the areas of Labour Law, Civil Law, Social Security Law, Public Service Law and Equality Law. Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon and the General Council of the University of Lisbon. Vice-President of the Institute of Labour Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. Coordinator of the publication Estudos APODIT. Arbitrator President of CES – Economic and Social Council. Scientific coordinator of several international projects, in the areas of Labour Law and Equality Law, and, in this context, consultant for the European Commission, the European Parliament and the International Labour Organization. Scientific coordinator of several projects to prepare normative acts in the areas of Labour Law, Public Service Law and Equality. Author of several monographs and dozens of articles, included in collective works and periodical publications, national and foreign, in the areas of Labour Law, Social Security Law, Civil Law and Equality Law. Guest professor at other Universities, in Portugal (Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Universidade Lusíada, Universidade Católica Portuguesa), in Angola (Universidade Lusíada de Angola), in Brazil (Universidade Presbiteriana de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo-USP, and Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo) and in Spain (University of Seville and Complutense University of Madrid), the Netherlands (University of The Hague) and the Czech Republic (Charles University of Prague). Guest speaker at numerous scientific initiatives, in Portugal and abroad, namely in Germany (Trier), in France (Paris), in Belgium (Brussels), in Hungary (Budapest), in the Czech Republic (Prague), in Brazil (S. Paulo and Campinas), in the Netherlands (The Hague) and in Spain (Madrid, Valencia and Seville), and also in the European Parliament, the European Commission and the ILO.

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Maria Raquel Rei

Maria Raquel Rei

Law degree (1992), Masters degree (1998) and PhD (2011). Auxiliary Professor within the Legal Science Group of the Lisbon University Law School. Former member of the Pedagogic Council and substitute member of the Scientific Council. Current substitute member of the Pedagogic Council. During one year, held a position at Bissau’s Law School, pursuant to a cooperation agreement between the Portuguese Republic and Guinea-Bissau and was responsible for International Private Law and Political Economy. Taught Civil Law Principles, Obligations Law, Insolvency Law – both in the law degree and in the masters and PhD studies. Author of studies and articles published on Civil Law and Sports Law. Lawyer and member of CIDP.

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Marta Boura

Marta Boura

Law degree (2017) at the University of Lisbon Faculty of Law and completed post-graduate studies in Banking Law (2017), Corporate Finance (2016) and Bioethics (2016), Marta Boura is a lawyer and a Guest Lecturer in Private Law at the University of Lisbon Faculty of Law, a PhD candidate and a researcher affiliated with the Lisbon Research Centre for Private Law since 2019. Previous experience lecturing Portuguese Employment classes in the context of the Interdisciplinary Legal Practice program at the Faculty of Law of Nova University of Lisbon (FDUNL) (2018 and 2019). Marta has published research in the fields of Private Law, Banking Law and Commercial Arbitration.

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Miguel Brito Bastos

Miguel Brito Bastos

Assistant Lecturer at the University of Lisbon School of Law, since 2009, where he graduated in 2009. Currently preparing his doctoral dissertation in Private Law, to which he was admitted per saltum. Researcher at the Lisbon Research Centre for Private Law – CIDP (since 2014) and Invited Researcher of the LX Legal Theory Group (since 2016). Coordinator of theAdvanced Postgraduate Course in Banking Lawand of theIntensive Course in Financial Intermediation. Main research areas: Foundations of Private Law, Obligations Law, Banking Law, Securities Law and Corporate Law. Speaker and coordinator in several courses and conferences. In postgraduation programmes, he teaches in subjects of Banking Law, Securities Law, Investment Funds, Corporate Law, performance and breach of contracts, Insolvency Law, Commercial Litigation and Data Protection Law. Author of more than 20 publications, among which the following: «A recusa lícita da prestação pelo garante na garantia autónoma “on first demand”» (2010), «Deveres acessórios de informação (em especial, os deveres de informação do credor perante o fiador)» (2013), «A interpretação dos atos administrativos» (2018, in co-autorship with Professor Paula Costa e Silva), and the monographO mútuo bancário (Coimbra Editora, 2015).He is also co-coordinatorof the series Estudos de Direito Bancário published byAlmedina. Professional activities: lawyer, legal consultant and arbitrator.

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Miguel da Câmara Machado

Miguel da Câmara Machado

Guest lecturer at the University of Lisbon Law School, since 2010. He is a lawyer since 2013 and a Legal Advisor at the Bank of Portugal, since 2014. Holds a degree in Law (2010) and concluded the curricular part of the Master in Law, specialization in Criminal Legal Sciences, in 2012. He was also admitted as a PhD candidate in the department of Private Law of the University of Lisbon Law School (2014). Member of the Institute of Criminal Law and Sciences of the same School, of the Portuguese Civil Procedure Institute, and President of the General Assembly of APAC-Portugal, Associação de Proteção e Apoio ao Condenado, since 2015. He has lectured in the courses of Psychology and Law, at the University of Lisbon, School of Psychology, since 2013, and has also been responsible for modules dedicated to the prevention of money laundering (AML) during the Advanced Postgraduate Courses in Banking Law, organized by the Research Centre for Private Law of the University of Lisbon School of Law (CIDP), of which he is also a member and researcher.

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Miguel Teixeira de Sousa

Miguel Teixeira de Sousa

Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. Responsible for the subjects of Introduction to the Study of Law, Family Law and Civil Procedural Law.Haspublished several books, articles and jurisprudential notes, some of them abroad. He has also contributed to legislative commentaries published abroad.He was a Fellow at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München between 1983 and 1986 and between April and September 1997; President of the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon between 2005 and 2007; member of the Management Board of the Centre for Judicial Studies between 1994 and 2008; President of the Commission Internationale de l'Etat Civil during the 2004/2005 biennium; President of the Portuguese Section of the International Commission on Civil Status from 1996 to 2013, and member of the General Council of the University of Lisbon from 2010 to 2012.Librarian Professor at the Faculty of Law of Lisbon between 2011 and 2014, having started a new term in 2017. He is currently a member of the Editorial Board ofCadernos de Direito Privado andRevista da Ordem dos Advogados.

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