Luís Menezes Leitão holds a Law degree (1986), a Master's degree (1991) and a PhD (1998) with Aggregation (2005) in Law at the University of Lisbon School of Law.
He has conducted research in several foreign universities, namely in Germany, Italy, France and the United States. He has participated in numerous congresses and seminars, and held courses and conferences in Portugal, the United States, Italy, Brazil, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau and Timor-Leste.
He is currently Full Professorat the University of Lisbon School of Law, where he has been teaching, among other subjects, Civil Law (Law of Obligations and Contracts Law); Labour Law and Information Society Law. He was President of theBoard of Directors of theSchool of Law (2002-2004)and he also served as a member of the Centre for Fiscal Studies of the General Directorate of Taxes. He is a lawyer and legal consultant.
He has authored many studies and articles in the areas of Law of Obligations, Commercial Law, Real Rights, Labour Law and Information Society Law. Among these areDireito das Obrigações (3 vols.), O ensino do Direito das Obrigações, A Responsabilidade do Gestor perante o Dono do Negócio no Direito Civil Português, O Enriquecimento sem Causa no Direito Civil, Cessão de Créditos, Garantias das Obrigações, A Indemnização de Clientela no Contrato de Agência, Código do Trabalho Anotado, Código da Insolvência e da Recuperação de Empresas Anotado and Estudos de Direito Fiscal.
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