
Jaime Reis

Jaime Reis

Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law - University of Lisbon (2018); Guest Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon since 2019, where he taught, among others, the subjects of Contract Law and Commercial Law. He is currently enrolled in a Masters program in Commercial Law. He holds a post-graduation in Corporate Finance and in Corporate Governance (2018). He has been an investigator at the Research Centre for Private Law since 2019.

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Joana Costa Lopes

Joana Costa Lopes

Law Degree from the University of Lisbon School of Law (2018), Post-graduated in Law Enforcement, Compliance and Criminal Law (2019), Guest Lecturer of General Theory of Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law at the University of Lisbon School of Law (2018), while currently enrolled in a Masters program on Civil Law (since 2018). Was a member of the Faculty of Law Pedagogic Council (2016-2018), and the selected tutor of Law of Obligations, Criminal Law and Civil Procedural Law (2015-2018). Currently Researcher at the Lisbon Research Centre for Private Law - CIDP (since 2018).

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Joana Reis Barata

Joana Reis Barata

Guest Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon since 2017, the year she graduated. She has a postgraduate degree in Medical Law and Criminal Justice and in Corporate Criminal Law, and is currently preparing her Master's thesis in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences.She teaches or has taught the subjects General Theory of Civil Law, Introduction to the Study of Law and Criminal Procedural Law, and has also been a Lawyer since 2019 in the areas of Criminal Law and Industrial Property Law.She has been a researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law and the Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences Research Center since 2017. She also teaches postgraduate courses.She is the author of scientific publications in the areas of Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Administrative Offenses Law.

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Joana Vitorino

Joana Vitorino

Graduated in 2016 and is assistant lecturer at the University of Lisbon School of Law since 2016 (General Theory of Civil Law,Rights in rem, Law of Obligations). Ms. Vitorino finished the lecture part of the PhD in Civil Law, legal area in the scope of which she is preparing her PhD thesis. Ms. Vitorino is also trainee lawyer at the Law firmGalhardo Vilão, Torres e Associadossince 2016.She authored a legal article published in theRevista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa(«A gestão imprópria e a gestão de negócio alheio julgado próprio nos direitos alemão, suíço, francês e português – Estudo de Direito Comparado», 2014) and co-authored «Direitos Reais: Colectânea de Casos Práticos e de Jurisprudência», AAFDL, 2017.

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João de Oliveira Geraldes

João de Oliveira Geraldes

Bachelor of Law and Master ´s degree in Legal Sciences at the University of Lisbon. Assistant professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, with teaching experience in private law. Professor in different graduate courses, postgraduate courses and Master's degrees. Published the book "Tipicidade contratual e condicionalidade suspensiva: contributo para o estudo da exterioridade condicional" and several articles in national and international legal journals. Lawyer and legal consultant. Legal advisor to the Minister of Defence (1999) and to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (2000–2001) and Vice-Chairman of the Portuguese Committee for the review of the Concordat signed with the Vatican (2000–2001); legal advisor to the President of the Parliament (2005–2007).

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João Espírito Santo

João Espírito Santo

Bachelor (1989), Master (1998) and Doctor (2012) in Law. He is an Assistant Professor in the Legal Sciences group at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. He served as Technical Assistant and Scientific Coordinator at the Faculty of Law of Bissau. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Competition Authority (2008-2013) and co-director of Revista Concorrência & Regulação (2010-2013). He taught the subjects Introduction to the Study of Law, Family and Succession Law, Civil Procedural Law I, Succession Law, Commercial Company Law I, Commercial Law IV, Commercial and Company Law, Commercial Law I and Commercial Law II. He is the author of several monographs and scientific articles on Family Law, Obligations Law, Civil Procedural Law, Competition Law, Lusophone Commercial Law and Anglo-Saxon Corporate Law, as well as studies on Classical and Medieval History. He is a Jurisconsult and Lawyer, registered with the Bar since 1990. He is a member of CIDP and the IPPC. Degree in History (2020).

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João Gomes de Almeida

João Gomes de Almeida

Assistant professor at the University of Lisbon School of Law, where he earned his Undergraduate (2002), Master (2011) and Doctoral (2017) degrees in Legal Sciences. He has been teaching various curriculum units of the Bachelor’s programme of the University of Lisbon School of Law since 2006, with an emphasis on Private International Law and Civil Procedure Law. He is responsible for the curricular unit Direito Processual Civil (avançado) [Advanced Civil Procedure Law] in the Master in Juridical-Civil Sciences programme of the Lusíada University of Lisbon Faculty of Law. He has published various works, namely Divórcio em Direito Internacional Privado [Divorce in Private International Law] and Direito de Conflitos Sucessório: Alguns problemas [The Law Applicable to Succession Matters: Some Questions]. He is a member of the Pedagogical Board and the Research Centre for Private Law of the University of Lisbon School of Law. He is a law consultant as well.

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João Gouveia de Caires

João Gouveia de Caires

Graduate (1997) and Master's in Law (2006), and currently preparing his doctoral dissertation in Legal Sciences / Ph.D student (until present) in Law. Guest Lecturer of the Legal Sciences group of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, teaching the disciplines Criminal Procedural Law, Criminal Law and Civil Procedural Law. He has held several cooperation functions under Protocol between the FDUL and Law School of Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), including teaching several Law subjects (2001-2003). He is the author and co-author of several publications, including papers such as "Criminal Law” (in co-authorship, 2023). He is a Member of the Disciplinary Council of the Portuguese Football Federation (2020-present day). He is a lawyer and jurisconsult.

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João Marques Martins

João Marques Martins

Earned his Bachelor's degree (2004) and PhD (2016) in Law from the University of Lisbon – Law School, where he is Assistant Professor. He has lectured Commercial Law and Contracts Law (Bachelor's programme) as well as International Contracts, Comparative Law and Port/Airport Law (Master's programme). João Marques Martins has published papers on Tort Law, Civil Procedure Law and Bioethics, as well as the book "Prova por Presunções Judiciais na Responsabilidade Civil Aquiliana" (2017), which corresponds to his PhD thesis.

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João Pedro Leite Barros

João Pedro Leite Barros

PHD in Legal Science (Civil Law) at the University of Lisbon (Universidade de Lisboa) and University of Brasilia ( Universidade de Brasilia). Master in Legal Science (Civil Law) at the University of Lisbon. Specialist in Civil Procedural Law by the Public Law Institute (Instituto de Direito Público-IDP) in Brasília. Specialist in Legal Science (Civil Law) by the University of Lisbon. Specialist in Consumer Law by the University of Lisbon. Specialist in Arbitration at the University of Lisbon. Coordinator of the Civil Law area at the IBEROJUR. Member of the International Law Research Group (GDIP) at the University of Brasilia. Vice-President of the Consumer Commission of the Brazilian Federal District Bar Association.He has several publications in Civil Law, where he develops his research activity, especially in the areas of Law of Obligations and Contracts, Arbitration, Consumer Law, and Civil Procedural Law. Among these works stand out “Direito à Informação. Repercussões no Direito do Consumidor” and “Arbitragem Online em Conflitos de Consumo”.Speaker in Seminars, Conferences and Lectures on such matters in Brazil and abroad. Attorney and Professor.

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João Pinto Ramos

João Pinto Ramos

Graduated in Law (2019) and in Physical and Technological Engineering (2016), he completed a Postgraduate Course in Data Protection and Business Law (2019) and in M&A and Corporate Litigation (2019), and is currently enrolled in the PhD programme in Law, in the specialty of Legal and Civil Sciences, since 2022. He is a Guest Lecturer at the Legal Sciences Group of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon since 2019, having taught the following subjects: Introduction to the Study of Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Labour Law, Commercial Law and Contract Law. He is a Guest Assistant at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Technologies of the European University, teaching the curricular unit Commercial Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution since 2021. He is a Consultant in the Labour department at Sérvulo & Associados, since 2023, having previous professional experience in the areas of Litigation & Arbitration and Communications, Data Protection and Technologies. Heis registered as a Lawyer at the Bar since 2021. Heis a researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law since 2019.

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João Serras de Sousa

João Serras de Sousa

Graduated in Law (2015), he is a Guest Lecturer in the Legal Sciences group at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, and is currently preparing his PhD dissertation. He has taught the subjects of Contract Law I and Real Rights, and his areas of research are Civil, Commercial and Corporate Law.Executive coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Real Estate Law (2021-present), is/was a speaker in several postgraduate courses (Civil Liability, Banking Law, Corporate Governance, Corporate Finance, Insolvency, Insurance, E-commerce, among others ). He is a researcher at the Lisbon DAO Observatory.He has held several academic roles, namely as a teaching member of the Academic Council (2015-2017) and the Pedagogical Council (2015-2017, 2018-2020, 2021-present).Registered with the Portuguese Bar Association (2016), he is currently a lawyer at PLMJ Advogados, SP, RL and a researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP).

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