Graduated (1996), Master (2001) and PhD (2011) in Law, she is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. She has held several academic roles, namely secretary of the Scientific Council (2016-present), member of the Pedagogical Council, and was a member of various Committees (Postgraduate Studies Committee, Equivalences Committee, Jury Reinforcement Committee). She has taught the subjects of Private International Law, Arbitration and Mediation Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Introduction to the Study of Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law. She is the author of several articles and monographs, namely Da responsabilidade civil extracontratual por violação de direitos de personalidade em Direito Internacional Privadoand Protecção dos consumidores nos contratos celebrados através da Internet - Contributo para uma análise numa perspectiva material e internacional privatista. She is a lawyer and arbitrator. She is a member of the Research Centre for Private Law.
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