
David Oliveira Festas

David Oliveira Festas

Graduated in Law (2001), Master of Law (2006) and Doctor (Ph.D.) in Law (2017), David Oliveira Festas is a lawyer and Professor at the Faculty of Law - University of Lisbon, where he has been teaching Civil, Commercial, Company and Capital Markets Law in graduate and postgraduate courses. David is a regular speaker at conferences and postgraduate seminars and is the author of several articles and books, including Do Conteúdo Patrimonial do Direito à Imagem / Contributo para um Estudo do seu Aproveitamento Consentido e Inter Vivos (2006) and Das Inibições de Voto dos Sócios por Conflito de Interesses Com a Sociedade nas Sociedades Anónimas e por Quotas. David is a Partner at Campos Ferreira, Sá Carneiro & Associados.

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Dina Freitas Teixeira

Dina Freitas Teixeira

Law Degree from University of Lisbon, School of Law (2018), Guest Lecturer of Introduction to Law Study I/II, Contract Law II, and Rights in rem, since 2018, while currently enrolled in a Master’s program on Civil Law (since 2018).Was a selected tutor of Contract Law and Rights in rem. Currently Researcher at the Lisbon Research Centre for Private Law – CIDP since 2018.

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Dinis Braz Teixeira

Dinis Braz Teixeira

Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the University of Lisbon (2016), with a completedLLM. onTransnational and European Commercial Law, Mediation, Arbitration and Energy Law(2017), and doing a Masters on Philosophy of Law, is a Guest Lecturer at the School of Law of the University of Lisbon, teaching Introduction to Legal Studies and Contract Law. Created thePhilhellenesPodcast (2017) and was the selected tutor of Civil Procedural Law (2015).

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Diogo Bordeira Neves

Diogo Bordeira Neves

Law Degree from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Law (2020), completed Advanced Post-Graduate Studies in Banking Law at the Research Centre for Private Law (2020) and Post-Graduate Studies in Administrative Litigation (Theory and Practice) at the Centre for Research in Public Law (2020). Admitted persaltumto attend the PhD program in Legal Sciences, with specialization in Civil Legal Sciences, at theUniversity of Lisbon Faculty of Law.Mr. Bordeira Neves is Guest Lecturer of the Legal Sciences Group of theUniversity of Lisbon Faculty of Law, since 2021. Hehas published in the fields of Banking Law, Securities Law and Administrative Litigation. Advisor to theMinister in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister and of Terrirorial Cohesion of the XXIV Constitucional Government.Lawyer, with membership currently suspended at the Portuguese Bar Association at his own request.Researcher at CIDP since 2021.

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Diogo Costa Gonçalves

Diogo Costa Gonçalves

Graduated (2003), Master (2008) and Doctor (2014)at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, where he has been teaching since 2004, currently as Assistant Professor. He was a member of the executive committee of the Annotated Commercial Companies Code (CSC Clássica) and of the editorial board of theRevista de Direito das Sociedades(RDS).In 2010, 2012 and 2013, he carried out several periods of research at the Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg. During the same period, he also visited the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. He is a member of the association Friends of the Hamburg Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, the Luso-German Association of Jurists (Deutsch-Lusitanische Juristenvereinigung), the Portuguese Arbitration Association and the Governance Lab, a group for legal research and critical reflection on topics related to the governance of organizations. Hetakes partin the Permanent Seminar of Young Scientists at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences and is a member of the Scientific Society of the Portuguese Catholic University. He is also a member of the board of the Institute for Private Law – IDP and a researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP).In 2008, he took part in the commissionresponsible for the preparation of the Guinea-Bissau Commercial Companies Code Project, as well as the diplomas adapting Guinean domestic law to OHADA. In 2013, he collaborated in the drafting of several legislative projects relating to the capital market, upon request by the Angolan Capital Market Commission. In 2015, he also collaborated in the preparation of a Draft Commercial Companies Code for Cape Verde. He is a jurisconsult and arbitrator.

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Diogo Franco Coelho

Diogo Franco Coelho

Law Degree from the University of Lisbon School of Law (2015) and currently attending a Master Degree in Civil Law at the same University. Lecturerin the Legal Sciences Group of said University, having lectured on Commercial Law, Civil Procedural Law and Comparative Law. Author of scientific publications in Commercial Law, Public Law and Civil Procedural Law. Associate Lawyer at Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira in the area of Banking, Finance and Capital Markets.

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Diogo Madeira Canário

Diogo Madeira Canário

Licenciado em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (2021) e Pós-Graduado em Corporate Finance pelo Centro de Investigação de Direito Privado (2021). É Assistente Convidado do Grupo de Ciências Jurídicas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, lecionando atualmente as cadeiras de Direito Processual Civil III e Direito do Trabalho II. Durante a Licenciatura, foi tutor de Direito das Obrigações I. Atualmente, encontra-se a preparar a agregação à Ordem dos Advogados, na sociedade de advogados PLMJ, SP, RL. É investigador do Centro desde 2023.

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Diogo Tapada dos Santos

Diogo Tapada dos Santos

Bachelor of Laws (2014) by the Catholic University of Portugal andMagister Juris by theUniversity of Oxford(Wolfson College, 2015), Diogo Tapada dos Santos is aGuest Lecturer in Private Law at the University of Lisbon Faculty of Law,aPhD candidateandaresearcher affiliated with the Research Centre for Private Law since 2019. Previously, Diogo was a Guest Lecturer at the Catholic University of Portugal and researcher at the Católica Global School of Law (2015/2016). Diogo has published research in the fields of Private Law and Legal Theory.

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Elsa Dias Oliveira

Elsa Dias Oliveira

Graduated (1996), Master (2001) and PhD (2011) in Law, she is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. She has held several academic roles, namely secretary of the Scientific Council (2016-present), member of the Pedagogical Council, and was a member of various Committees (Postgraduate Studies Committee, Equivalences Committee, Jury Reinforcement Committee). She has taught the subjects of Private International Law, Arbitration and Mediation Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Introduction to the Study of Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law. She is the author of several articles and monographs, namely Da responsabilidade civil extracontratual por violação de direitos de personalidade em Direito Internacional Privadoand Protecção dos consumidores nos contratos celebrados através da Internet - Contributo para uma análise numa perspectiva material e internacional privatista. She is a lawyer and arbitrator. She is a member of the Research Centre for Private Law.

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Fernando de Araújo

Fernando de Araújo

Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL). With Aggregation (2007) and Doctorate (1998) in Legal-Economic Sciences, Master's Degree in Historical-Legal Sciences (1990) and Degree in Law from the Portuguese Catholic University (1982), he has supervised numerous Master's and Doctorate theses,as well as Post-Doctoral internships in Portugal and Brazil. Lecturer and guest speaker at Faculties in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia, he participates in Conferences regularly and has published in the areas of Economic Analysis of Law, Philosophy of Law, History of Law, Law of Obligations, Contracts, Civil Law, Environmental Economics, Bioethics and Animal Law. He was a founding member of several institutes at the University of Lisbon and also of the Research Centre for Private Law, where hewas responsible for the Bioethics Law section. He chaired the Assessment and Accreditation Committees of Law Schools and Courses in Portugal (A3ES – Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency) (2011-2016) and the FDUL Institute of Brazilian Law; he directed the Revista do Instituto do Direito Brasileiro, he was a member of the Ethics Committees of the Faculty of Medicine (2005-2007) and the Faculty of Pharmacy (2010-2017), was Deputy to the Office of the Minister of the Presidency (1990-95) and Advisor to the Office of the Secretary of State for National Defense ( 1995) and Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Securities Market Commission (1998).Between 2004 and 2005, he chaired the Scientific Council of the Centre for the Study of Animal Rights and also collaborated with the Centre for Biomedical Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. His book "A Hora dos Direitos dos Animais" (2003) drove a change in legal thinking and stimulated the national debate in relation to animal issues. Two years after the release of this work, he wrote an article titled “Os recentes desenvolvimentos da Lei Portuguesa no domínio dos direitos dos animais” which was published in the Journal of Animal Law,whose editorial board he also integrates.He is Director of theRevista Jurídica Luso-Brasileira and co-coordinates Almedina's "Applied Ethics" collection.He has extensive experience in Arbitration, being an Arbitrator in tax and commercial cases, as well as a Legal Consultant and Advisor.

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Filipa Lemos Caldas

Filipa Lemos Caldas

Degree in Law, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2011); completedthe curricular part of the Master's Degree in Law, area of specialization in Administrative Law, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2013). Member of the Research Centre for Private Law; Member of the Portuguese Institute of Civil Procedure. Research areas: Administrative law and administrative litigation; Civil law and civil procedure; Constitutional right; Arbitration. Guest lecturer at FDUL.

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Filipa Lira de Almeida

Filipa Lira de Almeida

Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2019) and Master's student in Law and Legal Science, she is a Guest Lecturer inthe Legal Sciences group at the same Faculty and a researcher at the Research Centre for Private Law since 2019.

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