Graduated (2001), Master (2006) and Doctor (2015), he is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and Guest Assistant Professor at the Military Academy. He has taught Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Administrative Offenses Law at these institutions, along with other subjects, such as Obligations Law, Civil Procedural Law, Arbitration Law, Commercial Law and Family Law. He conducts research, gives conferences and has written on topics of Private Law, Criminal Law, Procedural Law, Evidence Law and also on topics related to Regulation Law and the use of new technologies and autonomous systems.
Author, among others, of the following publications: Direito Sancionatório dos Valores Mobiliários, co-authored with Joana Costa Lopes; Prova, Verdade e Processo, Processo Penal, co-authored with João Gouveia de Caires; Direito das Contra-Ordenações, co-authored with Augusto Silva Dias; Sobre os Pareceres do Conselho Consultivo da PGR, co-authored with Inês Sítima Craveiro; Sobre a Validade de Procedimentos Administrativos Prévios ao Inquérito e de Fases Administrativas - Preliminares no Processo Penal, co-authored with Augusto Silva Dias; O Nexo de Causalidade na Responsabilidade Delitual: Fundamento e Limites do Juízo de Condicionalidade, Pressupostos Filosóficos e Científicos do Nexo de Causalidade, Memória e Presente de Direito da Família, co-authored with Margarida Silva Pereira, and A Responsabilidade por danos não patrimoniais do incumprimento das obrigações no direito civil português. He has participated in the coordination of collective works in the field of Probation Law (Prova Penal Teórica e Prática and Novos Desafios da Prova Penal, 2 volumes), Regulation Law (Law Enforcement, Compliance e Responsabilidade Empresarial, which includes several volumes) and the relationship between Law and Autonomous Systems (Legal Aspects of Autonomous Systems: A Comparative Approach).

Jurisconsult, legal expert, arbitrator and lawyer. He was a lawyer and consultant at the PLMJ Law Firm, deputy to the Minister of the Presidency and Parliamentary Affairs and to the Secretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in the XIX Constitutional Government, and a Fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology. He is an associate of the IDPCC and a researcher at the CIDPCC, member of the Editorial Board and Peer Reviewer of the journal Anatomia do Crime, editor in the area of Evidence Law for the Revista de Concorrência e Regulação and Peer Reviewer of the Revista da FDUL. Member of the ATFD and the Portuguese Philosophy Society, the Portuguese Arbitration Association, member of the Portuguese-German Association of Jurists and member of the Association of Catholic Jurists.

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