With a degree in Law (1982), a Master's (1999) and a Doctorate (2013) in Legal-Civil Sciences from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL), he is Professor at FDUL, where, since 1992, he has been teaching Introduction to the Study of Law, Law of Obligations, Family Law, Law of Succession, Rights in Rem, Contract Law I and II in the Undergraduate Course. In the Master's Degree Course in Law and Legal Practice, he is responsible for the subjects of Registrations and Notarial Services and Civil Liability Law, and in the Master's Degree Courses in Law and Legal Science and Doctorate, he is co-responsible for the subject of Civil Law (Civil Liability) with Professor Luís Menezes Leitão. In the Doctorate Course, he also coordinated the subject of Introduction to Private Law. He cooperated with the Bissau Faculty of Law and with the Mandume Ya Ndemufayo University Faculty of Law (Lubango).
He is a guest speaker on Postgraduate Courses, Legal Conferences and Congresses organised by FDUL, FDUC, Centro de Estudos Judiciários and Almedina. He also practiced law in the office of Professor José Dias Marques.
He is the author of several monographs, scientific articles, notes and lessons, namely, Private contract law in the face of the present pandemic crisis. Some problems, in particular temporary economic impossibility, RFDUL (Lisbon Law Review), Número Temático: COVID-19 e o Direito, Ano LXI, 2020, N. º 1, pp. 675-709, Institutionalised arbitration of Consumer Law disputes: notes on the scope of application of Law No. 144/2015 of 08 September (Mechanisms of Extrajudicial Resolution of Consumer Disputes) (co-authored with Inês Sítima Craveiro), International Journal of Arbitration and Conciliation - Year XIII - 2020, pp. 37-86, "Unfair terms in the insurance contract" Civil Law Magazine, Year V (2020), 1, pp. 115-125, "Criteria for ascertaining negligent fault" (co-authored with Inês Sítima Craveiro), O Direito Magazine, Year 152, II (2020), pp. 343-355, Os deveres no tráfego, Estudos Comemorativos dos 50 Anos do Código Civil, Lisbon, 2019, Código das Sociedades Comerciais Anotado (coordination of Professor Doctor António Menezes Cordeiro), 3rd edition (collaboration with Professor António Menezes Cordeiro in the annotation to articles 172 to 174 and 242 - A to 242. Civil Liability for Breach of Duties in Traffic (2015, to be reprinted in 2019), Civil Liability of Supervisory Authorities and Financial Regulation (2017), "The substantive effects of the Land Registry", ROA, Ano 77 - Vol. I/II - Jan./Jun. 2017, The sale of consumer goods (2017), Land Registry Studies (2017), Possession and Detention (2015), Causation and objective imputation in the theory of civil liability (2010), The liability of the "represented" in tolled representation (2008).
He has been President of the Board of the IDC/Association for the Study of Consumer Law at FDUL since July 2014.