Dário Moura Vicente was born in Lisbon in 1962. He holds a PhD and Aggregation in Law from the University of Lisbon, of which he is a Full Professor.
He has taught, among other subjects, General Theory of Civil Law, Law of Obligations, Comparative Law, Private International Law, International Commercial Law, Copyright and Industrial Property Law. He was Vice-President of the Directive Council of the Faculty of Law, President of the Institute for Legal Cooperation and President of its Scientific Council. He is, since 2023, President of the Private Law Research Centre.
A lawyer in Lisbon since 1987, he has served as an arbitrator, lawyer, and expert in numerous arbitration proceedings.
He is the President of the Portuguese Intellectual Property Law Society, an Associate Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law and a Member of the Hispano-Luso-American Institute of International Law. Vice-President of the Deutsch-Lusitanische Juristenvereinigung. President of the General Assembly and member of the Scientific Council of the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL).
Main scientific publications: Da arbitragem comercial internacional: Direito aplicável ao mérito da causa (1990); Da responsabilidade pré-contratual em Direito Internacional Privado (2001); Direito Internacional Privado: Ensaios (4 vols., 2002-2018); La propriété intellectuelle en droit international privé (2009); A tutela internacional da propriedade intelectual (2nd ed., 2019); Direito Comparado (vol. I, 5th ed., 2021; vol. II, 2017); Comparative Law of Obligations (2021).