Assistant Lecturer at the University of Lisbon School of Law, since 2009. In the graduation course she has taught or is teaching the disciplines General Theory of Civil Law, Commercial Law, Company Law, Contract Law and Civil Procedural Law. Graduated (2009) and Master (academic part), currently preparing her doctoral dissertation in Legal Sciences.

Researcher at the Lisbon Research Centre for Private Law – CIDP (since 2014). Coordinator of the Advanced Postgraduate Course in Banking Law (since 2015), of the Preparation Course for Admission to the Centre for Judicial Studies (since 2018), and of the Intensive Course in Financial Intermediation (to start in 2019). Her favourite research areas are Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law, Commercial Law, Banking and Securities Law. Received several scholarships and research awards from national and international institutions.

Coordinator of several conferences and seminars in the areas of Banking Law, Securities Law, Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law. Speaker in several courses and conferences. In postgraduation programmes, she teaches in subjects of Banking Law, Securities Law, Investment Funds, Commercial Litigation, Insolvency Law, FinTech, Corporate Governance, E-Commerce, Contract Law and Data Protection.

Author of publications in the areas of Banking and Securities Law, Business Law and Civil Procedure, and coordinator of the book collection Estudos de Direito Bancário (Studies of Banking Law), launched in 2018 and to comprise several volumes.

Lawyer at Cuatrecasas (since 2009) and legal consultant, with professional practice in the areas of Banking, M&A, Capital Markets and Private Equity.

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Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
Alameda da Universidade, Cidade Universitária
1649-014 Lisboa. Portugal

(+351) 915 429 341

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Weekdays, from 10am to 12:30pm and from 2:30pm to 5pm

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Segunda a sexta-feira, entre as 14h e as 17h.
Sala 13.15 (Piso 3 - acesso pelo ascensor junto ao Anfiteatro 1)
Walter Rodrigues / Fernanda Franco / Gisele Barbosa de Jesus / Marina Alexandre

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