Graduate in Law with a quotation of summa cum laude at ELTE School of Law, Budapest (2002). PhD Degree with a quotation of summa cum laude at Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (KRE), School of Law (2008). Associate Professor of Civil Law, Law of Arbitration. Head of Department of Roman Law and Civil Law at KRE, School of Law. Habilitation at KRE, School of Law (2018). Former research fellow at the Legal Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2003 – 2013). Visiting scholar at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (London), Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Lausanne), Leopold Wenger Institute (Munich), University of Vienna (Vienna). Former President of Interlegal Legal Network (2015 – 2017). Head of the International Arbitration, Litigation, Insolvency Specialist Group of Interlegal Network (since 2019), Member of the Board of the Hungarian Arbitration Association, Enrolled as arbitrator at the Permanent Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Attorney – at – law, admitted by the Budapest Bar (Budapest) (since 2006).