01 set, 2023

The Legal Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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The European Union's Digital Strategy


Provides in-depth analysis of all four thematic bases of digital transformation: content, economy, security, and people.


Consists of a unique comprehensive study of the core legal challenges under the European Union’s digital strategy.


Merges the work of leading experts around the world, combining exhaustive research with practitioners’ insights.

Logotipo CIDP
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
Alameda da Universidade, Cidade Universitária
1649-014 Lisboa. Portugal

(+351) 915 429 341

(Chamada para a rede móvel nacional)

Dias úteis, das 10h às 12h30 e das 14h30 às 17h



Atendimento presencial

Segunda a sexta-feira, entre as 14h e as 17h.
Sala 13.15 (Piso 3 - acesso pelo ascensor junto ao Anfiteatro 1)
Walter Rodrigues / Fernanda Franco / Gisele Barbosa de Jesus / Marina Alexandre

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