08 mar, 2024

Criminal liability and company law, by Teresa Quintela de Brito

Published by Imprensa FDUL in its collection "Manuais da Clássica", it is now available the new book authored by researcher Teresa Quintela de Brito, entitled Responsabilidade Penal dos Dirigentes de Organizações. This monograph corresponds to the part relating to the criminal liability of leaders of organizations taken from the doctoral thesis that was originally submitted to FDUL under the title Domínio da organização para a execução do facto: responsabilidade penal de entes colectivos, dos seus dirigentes e “actuação em lugar de outrem”. This component of the investigation was subject to updates, complements and developments, as was the case with the previous 2023 monograph, Plaidoyer por uma autêntica responsabilidade penal de entes colectivos (AAFDL Editora/Imprensa FDUL).

The criminal liability of leaders of organizations for acts committed by collaborators and employees falls within the scope of criminality in the company and crimes under international Criminal Law. In Portugal, the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption has intensified the interest of practitioners and academics in the criminal and administrative (cumulative) liability of directors of complex organizations, including top management and the Compliance Officer, taking into account the provisions of the respective article 21. o/4, which holds accountable the holders of the administrative body, the directors of legal entities, the person responsible for regulatory compliance and those responsible for directing or supervising areas of activity in which any offense is committed, “when they commit the acts or when, knowing or should know about its practice, do not adopt the appropriate measures to put an end to it immediately”.

The book can be purchased here.

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