Prof. Doutor Dário Moura Vicente
Prof. Doutor Rui Soares Pereira
Dr.ª Ana Alves Leal
Conference Overview
As computational power, the volume of available data, IT systems’ autonomy, and human-like capabilities of machines increase, robots and AI systems present substantial implications for the law and raise a host of challenges to current legal doctrines. The main question to be answered is whether the foundations and general principles of private law and criminal law provide functional and adaptive legal housing for the “autonomous systems” phenomena. Within this context, this Conference seeks to explore possible trajectories for the development of civil and criminal liability, for the understanding of the attribution link to autonomous systems, and, in particular, for the punishment of unlawful conducts connected with their operation. AI decision-making processes - including judicial sentencing - also deserve close attention in this regard. Since AI moves faster than the process of regulatory recalibration, the Conference aims to provide valuable insights on the redesign of the current regulatory framework, in order to keep pace with technological changes.
The Conference, which will be held in an international environment, covers a wide range of topics, including the regulation of autonomous vehicles, data protection and governance, personality rights, intellectual property, contract formation and contract termination issues arising from automated decisions, blockchain technology and AI applications, in particular, in the banking and finance sectors. Speakers are legal experts from across the world with far-reaching academic and/or practical experience on these matters.
This Conference will be of interest to lawyers and legal consultants, legal technologists, members of regulatory agencies, policymakers, academics, and researchers who are specialized in AI, data governance and private law or who work at the intersection of these three fields in different jurisdictions.
In person with prior registration (subject to room capacity - 150 seats):
Through webinar zoom on:
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