The XXXII Congress of the Hispano-Luso-American Institute of International Law (IHLADI) will take place in the first week of September at FDUL, in a joint organization with CIDP and Lisbon Public Law. The opening of the Congress on September 2 will be marked by the inauguration of the new President of IHLADI, ProfessorDário Moura Vicente, who succeeds ProfessorHugo Llanos Mansilla(Universidad Central Chile) in this position.
Among the initiatives included in the event's program, which runs until September 6, are the lectures on "The creation of an international legal regime to address sea level rise", by Prof. Dr.Fernando Loureiro Bastos(LPL-FDUL); "TheUN Beijing Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Ship Sales", by Prof. Dr.Jazmina Rovi Sánchez(Panama); "Genocide in armed conflicts and protection under International Law", by Prof. Dr.Paulo Borba Casella(USP-Brazil), and "Clean hands in investment arbitration", by Prof. Dr.Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo(University of Granada-España).
The Organizing Committee of the Congress iscomposed of Professors Dário Moura Vicente, Fernando Loureiro Bastos and Patrícia Galvão Teles,while the Honour Committee includes the Rector of the University of Lisbon, Prof. Dr. Luís Anjos Ferreira; the President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Prof. Dr. António Feijó, and the President of the Champalimaud Foundation, Dra. Leonor Beleza. The event has the High Patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic.